Chairman Message

Greetings to all!

I am immensely pleased to share some of my thoughts on education based on my Five decades of experience in  educational service. But the impressions are holistic about General education for 21st century. It is heartening to note that Education has become an important agenda in our country which has been globally glorified as ‘Knowledge Centre’ .This has happened after independence thanks to many progressive measures by Government of India.

Presently there is so much importance for education why? Because it only converts a person into civilized one. It is the man making process from cradle to grave. The important values of education are Empowerment, Enlightenment and Elevation to the top. It has changed the earlier Scales of Human strength from Wealth and war fare to knowledge. A literate person is recognized and respected everywhere.  Education is essential for both individual and social development and also leading to enrichment of Human Resources.

It is needless to say that in shaping the Destiny of a student as a citizen, the role of parents, Teachers and the Government is enormous. There are lot of criticism about the existing system of Education at various levels namely Primary, Secondary, Higher Education leading to research studies in the University level. This is the right time our Indian Government has taken steps in the form of New Education policy because change means growth and development in all fields.

The teaching learning process has undergone a lot of changes. It is said by Educational Psychologists that a child already possesses knowledge about many things. "To Educate" literally means liberate those hidden inputs from the student by friendly means. So teaching must be an effort to bring out answers from inside and not from outside. Hence the teaching- learning process must be based on inquisitiveness and creativity. Then only product will become a original person with Self esteem, Self respect and Confidence.

An educated person is a confident and competent one to face the challenges in life. Indian education must empower youth to face challenges in life. Both the parents and teachers should strive to find the Uniqueness and originality of the child and design his career according to his taste and interest. Otherwise it will dampen their enthusiasm and attitude of the students. Everyone is born to win with their original abilities and qualities in different fields of life. If one is allowed to have his way of educational preference he will survive, succeed and become a significant person in his life. There are lots of examples for this formula.

In the present Educational Scenario every stake holder must understand the following facts.

  1. Education is not for earning. It is for securing a honorable placement in society as a knowledgeable person. The illiterate may earn a lot more than an educated person by legal or illegal means. But the latter cannot get the real recognition in society.
  2. All academic courses are equal without any difference. Because any one can excels in his own field and become popular. Every teacher should motivate and inspire students to pursue his course of study in which he is interested. So that he gains give him to confidence and humane excellence. No attempt should be made by parents to thrust their personal agenda on him and making comparison with others. So it is not the course that makes anyone great. But only personal attitude, knowledge, skill, values, social outlook, Patriotism, alone make them heroes in National and International level. Right Education makes a person as a holistic one.

India can be proud of attaining commendable growth in literacy rate. It is worth to mention that Tamilnadu stands in front line. Quality is the watch word of 21st century. Everybody expects quality in every field. Then only India's dream of becoming a world power could be reached at the earliest. In the present globalization scenario and competitive world Educational system has to be updated and upgraded. That is why government of India has devised the New Educational policy to fulfill the global needs. So it is the responsibility of parents and Educational managers to understand the less Government interference, Policy decision only by academic experts and autonomy with liberal financial assistance (grants) will increase of literacy rate with quality Education. Current realities and warrant early changes and reforms.

Our country is proud of our ancient Universities such as Kanchi, Nalanda and Taxila. We have to earnestly try to restore the old glories of the past. That should be the Vision and mission of all stake holders, Government, Public, Teaching community and the Students to achieve the hope of New and Vibrant India as a super power in 2020.

On Education, “Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain, remaining undigested all your life”. Instead we must have Life-building, Man-making and Character-making assimilation of ideas We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which can stand on one’s own feet.

                                                            'JAI HIND'

Dr. S.Venkatarajalu, Ph.D.,

Founder / Chairman